
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The heart of a serial killer

More than 0.2 % of the patients undergoing major surgeries suffer from ‘anesthetic awareness’ when they are being operated. Anesthetic awareness is a condition in which the patient is aware of the being operated upon even when he’s under the effect of anesthesia.

‘Reeves, kill me, else I am not gonna let you live…’ I heard Sam say and I immediately fired in the direction of the voice.

Boom.. boom.. two shots were fired as we both fell to the ground. I was a detective trying to solve the murders at San Andreas where seven innocent girls have fallen to the gun of a rampant serial killer.

Going by a tipoff from a local man, I zeroed in on to this serial killer. And an exchange of gunfire ensued afterwards until both of us were hit and fallen to the ground.

A few minutes later the police were at the crime scene and they rushed both of us to the hospital. I was lying partly conscious and I was able to hear their discussions when I blanked out before knowing that Sam was already dead.

And when I regained consciousness, I was lying on the operation table with some one in a green dress and wearing a mask make an incision on my chest with a scalpel and slowly cutting my ribs after cleaning the blood and slowly they started to bypass the veins and arteries before cutting them off transplanting another heart. All this went on for a few hours but I was awake all the time still reeling under the pain of being operated upon.

But the greatest shock of my life was when I overheard the doctor telling his counterpart, ‘Sam shot the detective through his chest, when the pericardium is ruptured making him difficult to survive on his own heart. And Sam breath his last but the detective is lucky enough that he found his donor in the form of Sam, whose heart we have transplanted to him. This will be a secret according to the rules of our hospital, as we don’t divulge the names of the donors’ when I blanked out once again.

And when I woke up again I was in an ICU with lots of instrument panels around me. I shouted, ‘Doctor… doctor…’ when somebody rushed to me, injecting a needle when I lay asleep once again.

Within a few weeks I was discharged from the hospital and the physical pain slowly subdued but the mental pain of carrying the heart of the serial killer Sam, was something very hard for me to bear with. The pain traumatized me for a very long time. Other than the two doctors who transplanted the heart to me, and me myself, no one else knew that I was surviving on Sam’s heart.

Not very soon after my discharge from the hospital, the killings with the same pattern started once again. Newspapers read, ‘Sam the serial killer haunts even after his death…’ and so on. I couldn’t resume my duties because of post operation complications and hence my knowledge was limited to the newspapers and news channels.

One day I came to know that the doctors who operated upon me were killed in the same pattern. Half the time I never had any idea of what I was doing. Now serious thoughts crossed my mind.

‘Did the devil possess me cos’ I am transplanted with his heart? Or some one else knows this and is trying to lure me into these crimes? Or is it a copy cat serial killer or an inspired one on loose…’

And I decided not to be confined to the four walls of my room again. I need to check out what is happening.

As I slammed the door behind me, my mobile rang and I picked the call. ‘It’s too dangerous for you detective to walk behind me, on my trail. You were saved once, but I assure you, this won’t happen again…’ and the person on the opposite side hung-up. I recognized that voice, it’s that of Sam.

And my heart, actually his heart inside me started to pound. It seemed like it wanna get back to its owner. And my head started to reel under this. And I opened the door once again and went back to sleep once again. After a few minutes I was awakened by the sirens of police cars plying down my street when I rushed to the outdoors and asked a by-passer.

‘We have one more victim to Sam…’, he said. And I was shocked. ‘How can that be possible, his heart has been transplanted to me, how can he live…’ and I decided to investigate his death. I reached for the keys and started to drive towards the graveyard where he was buried.

I called another detective friend of mine who also made his way to the graveyard. He along with a few other personnel reached the place and they had already started digging the grave and inside it was a skeleton. ‘Collect few bone samples and send them for DNA test’, my friend ordered and he put his hand around my shoulder even as we started to walk across when I divulged to him that I am carrying Sam’s heart.

He was in disbelief for a moment and then said, ‘So, you think that it’s you who’s killing people under the influence of his heart which has taken over you…’ and started laughing out loud.

‘Please don’t make fun of this serious issue…. And I believe this is happening’ I said and continued, ‘anyways, lets await the DNA results’ and I walked away from the place. The same night I installed a camera to capture what’s happening around me when I am asleep.

The next morning I checked the newspaper and there was one more kill. And I immediately rushed to the camera and pulled out the tapes to play it on the VCR. It was around 1:00 PM in the night when I woke up and yet I don’t remember anything. It seemed that I was under the puissance of a foreign force and I opened the door and walked out of it.

Even when I stood wondering, my mobile rang when my detective friend called me out and said, ‘Reeves, Eye witnesses and circumstantial evidence suggest that you were at the place of all these killings ….’ And even before he could finish I hung up.

The next day police were at my house only to find me already hung myself. My friend was at the place sobbing and continued, ‘...Eye witnesses and circumstantial evidence suggest that you were at the place of all these killings… but they were killed even before that by serial killer Sam, who’s not dead yet. The DNA of the bones proved to be of some one else and the heart transplanted to you belonged to a different Sam’

Few hundred miles away from the place, Sam was watching the news of my death on TV and grinned. ‘I have already warned you Reeves, you kill me, else I will kill you, and you fell for my cheap trap’ and he opened the bottle emptying the wine into a glass and saying, ‘In the loving memory of my friend Reeves’ and closed his eyes for a moment as if he was mourning. And the minute he opened his eyes, I was sitting infront of him with my gun pointed towards him.

‘You aren’t dead yet…’ and I burst into laughter. ‘You played the dirty trick, and now it’s payback time…’ I said and boom there was a sound.